My Classes

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Do you ever just wonder what you're supposed to be doing? As a Christian, I know God has a plan for my life. Some things I never question. I know what I believe. I know where my allegiances are. But sometimes, more often than I care to admit, I just wonder where I'm going. Or if I missed a turn in the road somewhere and am on an extremely long detour. Lost and wandering in the wrong direction. Or just lost and not going anywhere. I've been in one of those phases for several weeks now. I don't like it. I'm ready to get wherever it is that I'm headed. I've never been good at waiting for anything. Patience truly is a virtue that I totally missed out on. But God is good and I know His plan is always better than my feeble ones. So, wait I will. Even if I don't like it.

With that said, for those of you who noticed there was no April kit, hopefully the May kit will be up and ready for purchase by  this weekend! But not if I don't quit whining and get off of here! So off to try to finish it up and get off this detour before I go completely mad!

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