I'm so excited about this! I got a sweet comment on my layout at Practical Scrappers! Thanks so much ladies! You can see it in this post here:
Musings and designs from Renea, who is striving to live like Jesus, is happily married to the man of her dreams, and mom and "grammy" to the most beautiful children in the world! He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken. Psalm 62:2
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
RAK at Snobby Walrus
Snobby Walrus is a new online company that I came across. They are having a give away this week. You can see it here:
Friday, February 19, 2010
Butterfly challenge
I decided to enter one more on this challenge.
I stamped the butterflies and the "hello" with red ink then embossed with clear detail embossing powder. I cut them out and bent them a little bit to make the wings stand out a little.
I stamped the butterflies and the "hello" with red ink then embossed with clear detail embossing powder. I cut them out and bent them a little bit to make the wings stand out a little.
Etsy Inspired Challenge
Etsy has a challenge up using Spin Designs as inspirations. They are awesome! This is my inspiration - all of their beautiful silhouette designs. Check them out here:
http://www.etsy.com/shop/spindesignsThis is my take on a silhouette style card:
http://www.etsy.com/shop/spindesignsThis is my take on a silhouette style card:
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Crystals 1st tutu layout
This is a picture of my youngest daughter, Crystal. I think she was 5 years old. I gathered the tulle and sewed it to the title. The papers are Martha Stewart embossed papers. I LOVE these papers and we don't sell them any more at Michaels. Boohoo! The flowers around the oval I cut in half and stacked them then added a gemstone. They are silk flowers from Michaels. I'm entering this in the flower challenge at Practical Scrappers. You can see them here:
Yuk - and a tip!
Oh, me. Oh, my! I think I'm getting sick. YUK! But wanted to post a tip.
I never buy repositional adhesive. It takes enough time to make stuff and the idea of it coming loose after I'm done just drives me nuts. When you have something that you need to stick somewhere temporarily - ie. a stencil, a template, a piece of paper - and you don't have any repositional adhesive, make your own! Here's how:
I usually do this with whatever tape runner with permanent adhesive that I happen to be using at the time. Simply put the adhesive on the back of the item, we'll say a template for simplicity sake. Then stick the template to your clothes and lift up. Repeat doing this several times and, viola, you have repositional adhesive!
Obviously you wouldn't want to do this to your favorite silk blouse, but jeans or a sweatshirt work great. Besides, who crafts in a nice silk blouse anyway, right? lol
I never buy repositional adhesive. It takes enough time to make stuff and the idea of it coming loose after I'm done just drives me nuts. When you have something that you need to stick somewhere temporarily - ie. a stencil, a template, a piece of paper - and you don't have any repositional adhesive, make your own! Here's how:
I usually do this with whatever tape runner with permanent adhesive that I happen to be using at the time. Simply put the adhesive on the back of the item, we'll say a template for simplicity sake. Then stick the template to your clothes and lift up. Repeat doing this several times and, viola, you have repositional adhesive!
Obviously you wouldn't want to do this to your favorite silk blouse, but jeans or a sweatshirt work great. Besides, who crafts in a nice silk blouse anyway, right? lol
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
And one more . . .
This is my butterfly mobile I made to hang in my scraproom. I put the three things I want to focus on this year, growing my faith, sticking to my goals, and following through on my plans, as reminders. I'm entering it for Creative Belli Blog Challenge for butterflies.

And another challenge
This is for Fab and Funky challenges. This weeks is "childish" so I'm linking this layout of my childhood piano teacher. Link to their challenge is:
A challenge
This is for a challenge at Little Red Wagon. Challenge was for ribbon so I'm reposting one of my layouts from my Feb. kit - which is on sale in my etsy shop, just in case your interested. lol!
Feb Whole Kit and Kaboodle is done!
Wow, ever have one of those weeks where you just can't seem to get things done? Not that any one thing has happened, just stuff! So, a bit late but here is my Feb kit and some pics of a few layouts I made from it. If you want to pick one up, they are for sale in my etsy shop! Thanks for looking! As always, all pics are clickable to see a bigger view!
This is the dyed to match flowers, the die cut flowers, and other embellie stuff!
This is a sample of the glittered and flocked papers. Gorgeous!
And this is the other fun stuff! Gotta have ribbons and fibers and more! Oh, my!
Layout 1: My husband and me, Easter, not sure what year, maybe 8 or 9 years ago? Wow, has it really been that long? My sister-in-law took pictures that year of everyone at church that day. She did a really good job!
The bottom picture is our two youngest from the same Easter day. The two top pictures are from the night before. We were the guinea pigs for my sister-in-law setting up her camera and some of the background.And this one is our son, Lee when he was 3 years old. He turned 27 in Jan! Obviously I don't have issues with being 'behind' on scrapbooking! lol
One more from Easter, 1985. This is me with my son, Lee. For those of you who care, yes I know that there is a grammatical error in the title. But Lee's favorite books as a child were by Mercer Mayer. The titles were all things like, "Just Me and My . . ." whatever the story was. One of his and my girls' favorites was "Just Me and My Mom." I guess I should have included the word 'just' to make it really make sense. Ah, well. It'll do! They'll understand. Hope you will, too!
This is the dyed to match flowers, the die cut flowers, and other embellie stuff!
This is a sample of the glittered and flocked papers. Gorgeous!
And this is the other fun stuff! Gotta have ribbons and fibers and more! Oh, my!

One more from Easter, 1985. This is me with my son, Lee. For those of you who care, yes I know that there is a grammatical error in the title. But Lee's favorite books as a child were by Mercer Mayer. The titles were all things like, "Just Me and My . . ." whatever the story was. One of his and my girls' favorites was "Just Me and My Mom." I guess I should have included the word 'just' to make it really make sense. Ah, well. It'll do! They'll understand. Hope you will, too!
Monday, February 15, 2010
I won! I won!!!!
Wow! I'm one of those people who never wins anything, ya know? But I won this awesome, beautiful candy from Mountain Mommy Scrapper!!! I'm so excited! And if you know me, you know I love pink, and red, and bling, and chipboard, and - oh my! I can't wait! Thank you so much Jessica! You can check out her adorable blog here:
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Saying Goodbye . . .
This morning was a sad time for me and my family. We finally accepted that it was time to say goodbye to an old friend. He has been faithful to us for 14 years! I would like to thank the anonymous person who left him at the vet's door in a shoe box so long ago! We have loved him and he will be missed!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Snow day!
Had fun today working upstairs in my scraproom watching the snow out the window! Then I had to go brush it off of the camelia bushes. I would like it so much better if it happened when it was 70 degrees outside! lol
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Oh, and CANDY!
I almost forgot! Check out Chelsea's cute stamp candy! These are adorable stamps at Gurlee Girl! You can find her store here: http://gurleegirl.com/
Happy Birthday!
Today is my hubby's birthday! I'm planning to cook a delicious dinner tonight and then we will probably be watching the weather to see if we will be snowed in tomorrow! lol! What ever happened to the sunny south? Did someone move the equator further away from me when I wasn't looking? We average snow in MS about once every 4 years. This is at least the 3rd time this winter! Wow! Hope global warming doesn't get much worse or I'll freeze!
So at any rate, I'll be busy today getting my act together for hubby's dinner tonight but tomorrow, I plan to be in my scrap room ALL DAY!!! I already have lots of cards to get pics of and upload. And I have my Feb Whole Kit and Kaboodle almost ready to post. It's yummy! So check back later this weekend to see it! Happy snow days, all!
So at any rate, I'll be busy today getting my act together for hubby's dinner tonight but tomorrow, I plan to be in my scrap room ALL DAY!!! I already have lots of cards to get pics of and upload. And I have my Feb Whole Kit and Kaboodle almost ready to post. It's yummy! So check back later this weekend to see it! Happy snow days, all!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Has it really been that long?
Wow, didn't realize it had been that long since I posted! I've had a couple of yucky weeks of being sick off and on and a busy schedule on top of that. So anyway, how about that super bowl? What a great game! I'm really glad the Saints won, but the Colts definitely kept it interesting! My family was pretty evenly divided on which team so it made for a fun day at Mom and Dad's house.
Anyway, I'm extending the Super Bowl Challenge for another week. I didn't think about that people wouldn't have pictures until after the game. (And since I've been sick, I haven't made anything either! lol) So if you get something made and link it here by Monday, 2/15, your name will still go into the drawing for a prize. So, get busy creating! Fun, fun, fun!
Anyway, I'm extending the Super Bowl Challenge for another week. I didn't think about that people wouldn't have pictures until after the game. (And since I've been sick, I haven't made anything either! lol) So if you get something made and link it here by Monday, 2/15, your name will still go into the drawing for a prize. So, get busy creating! Fun, fun, fun!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Super Bowl Challenge Extended
Just a reminder about the super bowl challenge. I'm extending it to Monday, 2/15. Remember that any project that you make that has the colors one of the teams and link it here will get your name entered into a drawing for a prize!
Time flies . . .
Wow, it's already the 5th of Feb! I find it interesting that it seems we spend the first 20 years of our lives wishing for time to go faster, the next 20 years just trying to survive, and then the rest of our lives praying that time will slow down so we can savor every moment. My family has had several milestones over the last year. Our youngest child started college, one daughter got married and turned 21, one son turned 26, one son turned 28, and one daughter turned 30. Also, our grandson turned 4 and I missed his party because of a migraine. Sometimes life circumstances just don't happen at a convenient time!
Yesterday marked another milestone for our little grand-daughter, Jolie, who celebrated her 2nd birthday in December. Jolie was born with a lateral cleft. For those of you who don't know, that is a cleft on the side of the lip, not the center. Fortunately, her palette was in tact, so as clefts go, it was mild. It has been quite an enlightening experience for our family. She had her first surgery at 5 months old, barely 10 pounds, to repair the cleft. Then a few months later had tubes put in her ears and the ear canal enlarged a little on the side where the cleft was. Yesterday she had her annual visit with the cranio-facial team at University Medical Center. (They are an awesome group of people!) All went well and all reports were good! God is so much better to us than we deserve! She still has a follow up with the pediatrician for a scoliosis check, the eye doctor, and with the ENT for her hearing but we are confident that these reports will be good as well.
At any rate, for those of you who read this, I just wanted to say that I'm so thankful for how gracious our heavenly father is! When Jolie was born, they told us that lateral clefts can affect the entire side of the body that the cleft is on. Some of these children are born with no hearing on that side. It can affect their vital organs as well. We know that God works in mysterious ways. Jolie was a preemie weighing only 4 lbs, 9 oz. Her cord was wrapped around her neck 3 times. She was blue when she came out. The labor nurse who was with us said she had never been so nervous in a delivery as she was during Jolie's delivery. I don't know why I felt I needed to share this tonight. But maybe someone just needed to know that even when things seem the bleakest, God is still there. He is faithful. He loves you! God bless!
This is a picture of Jolie and Brittney New Year's Eve. She really is a doll! (Her mom is pretty cute, too!)
Yesterday marked another milestone for our little grand-daughter, Jolie, who celebrated her 2nd birthday in December. Jolie was born with a lateral cleft. For those of you who don't know, that is a cleft on the side of the lip, not the center. Fortunately, her palette was in tact, so as clefts go, it was mild. It has been quite an enlightening experience for our family. She had her first surgery at 5 months old, barely 10 pounds, to repair the cleft. Then a few months later had tubes put in her ears and the ear canal enlarged a little on the side where the cleft was. Yesterday she had her annual visit with the cranio-facial team at University Medical Center. (They are an awesome group of people!) All went well and all reports were good! God is so much better to us than we deserve! She still has a follow up with the pediatrician for a scoliosis check, the eye doctor, and with the ENT for her hearing but we are confident that these reports will be good as well.
At any rate, for those of you who read this, I just wanted to say that I'm so thankful for how gracious our heavenly father is! When Jolie was born, they told us that lateral clefts can affect the entire side of the body that the cleft is on. Some of these children are born with no hearing on that side. It can affect their vital organs as well. We know that God works in mysterious ways. Jolie was a preemie weighing only 4 lbs, 9 oz. Her cord was wrapped around her neck 3 times. She was blue when she came out. The labor nurse who was with us said she had never been so nervous in a delivery as she was during Jolie's delivery. I don't know why I felt I needed to share this tonight. But maybe someone just needed to know that even when things seem the bleakest, God is still there. He is faithful. He loves you! God bless!
This is a picture of Jolie and Brittney New Year's Eve. She really is a doll! (Her mom is pretty cute, too!)
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
I'm in the process of trying to set up a blog for a band my hubby plays in. Got the blog up but every time I edit something on it, the edit show up on my blog! HHHEEEEEELLLLLPPPPP!!!!! Anyone????
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